Category: Assayers
J. Rosenthal, Assayer
Read more: J. Rosenthal, AssayerFormerly offered as lot 1645 in Bowers’ Lexington Collection. J. Rosenthal’s business opened in Prescott, Arizona in August 20, 1875, a fact that was announced in a notice published in the contemporary Arizona newspaper The Weekly Miner. The silver in the Prescott region was extracted from the Wallapai Mountains which was an active mining area from the…
Charles Pletz, Assayer
Read more: Charles Pletz, AssayerWallapai Mining District, Cerbat Mountain, Mohave County, Arizona Very little is recorded of Charles Pletz beyond a few bare notices in Arizona’s Weekly Miner newspaper of the mid-1870s (all of which were provided to Mr. Ford by the Sharlot Hall Historical Society). The paper’s issue of May 14, 1875 notes Pletz as superintendent of the…
A. P. Molitor, Assayer
Read more: A. P. Molitor, AssayerAGOSTHON P. MOLITORSTEPHEN F. MOLITORSan Francisco, California, San Diego, California, Deadwood, Dakota Territory Agosthon Molitor began his work as an assayer in California in 1851 in partnership with fellow Hungarians Samuel Wass and Charles Uznay in thefirm of Wass, Molitor and Company, one of the most important private coinage ventures in the west. He left…
Abadie & Arnolds, Assayers
Read more: Abadie & Arnolds, AssayersIn 1881, Leadville was well into is biggest boom period. Placer gold had been discovered in California Gulch in about 1859, and by 1860 placer mining was booming. Lead-silver ores were later discovered, and the newly created United States Geologic Survey sent Samuel Emmons to Leadville in 1881-1882 to unravel the geology, which was subsequently…
Trade Dollar Mining & Milling Co
Read more: Trade Dollar Mining & Milling CoTrade Dollar Mining & Milling Co. First Mill Product, 1892Made by R.B. Euler, assayer, Silver City, Idaho (By Fred N. Holabird, c 2011)The Trade Dollar Mining and Milling Company Mining at Silver City took off with the explosive news and subsequent production of the rich ores in the Poorman Mine in 1865-6. Miners continued to…
Mathey, Kustel & Riotte, Assayers
Read more: Mathey, Kustel & Riotte, AssayersThis ingot stands out from all others in terms of the amount of documented information, provenance and history available surrounding the assayers whose names are on it. It is unique. No other example of an ingot from this firm has surfaced from other collections to date. The backgrounds of these mining men, their businesses and…
Leopold Kuh, Assayer
Read more: Leopold Kuh, Assayer1856-1860Leopold Kuh. Resides at Green betw. Kearny and Dupont. Leopold Kuh works at the U.S. Mint. Colville’s San Francisco Directory for the YearCommencing October 1856 Kuh, Leopold. Clerk U.S. Branch Mint. Dwells atNE corner Green and Lafayette. Langley’s San Francisco Directory for the YearCommencing January 1, 1858 Kuh, Leopold & Fisher Henry I. Gold refinery.Taylor…
Harvey Harris, Assayer
Read more: Harvey Harris, AssayerIn October, 1855 the Sacramento Union ran an advertisement announcing the formation of a new assaying firm under the partnership of Harvey Harris, Desiré Marchand, and C. Farrington. Harris, a gentile who had come to America from his native Denmark, had formerly been an assayer in the NewOrleans and San Francisco Mints and before removing…
Gould & Curry Silver Mining Company
Read more: Gould & Curry Silver Mining CompanyThe Gould & Curry Silver Mining Company’s heydays were the years 1863-64, just before statehood. Incorporated a few years earlier, the founder of the original claim in the Comstock was Albert Gould, who unwisely sold his share of half the mine for a pittance and died years later and nearly broke in Reno. The mine…