Category: Nevada
Van Wyck & Co, Assayers
Read more: Van Wyck & Co, AssayersSidney Van Wyck arrived in San Francisco from Baltimore before 1851. By 1860 he was working as a laborer in a gold refinery in the city. Kelly’s 1863VAN WYCK & COMPANY SIDNEY VAN WYCK Virginia City, Nevada directory lists Van Wyck as in business with a Mr. Winchester in Aurora, Nevada Territory. Above is an…
F.W. Schultz & Son
Read more: F.W. Schultz & SonAs with so many other western assayers (or engravers, Schultz may have been either) of the middle and late 19th century, given the fact that this field of research is so new it should not be surprising that at present the cataloguer knows absolutely nothing about this assayer beyond whatcan be read on this commemorative…
Savage Mining Company
Read more: Savage Mining CompanyThe Savage Mining Company was founded by A.O. and L.C. Savage in 1859 on the Comstock Lode. Neighbors were the Gould & Curry and Hale & Norcross holdings. Silver ore was extracted for the first few years and the mine expanded through acquisition of two other mining companies’ holdings. After 1865 successful extraction declined, principally…
E. Ruhling & Co
Read more: E. Ruhling & Co4.16 oz E. Ruhling & Co. Virginia City, Gold Hill, or Hamilton, Nevada. Silver assay ingot Overall appearance of Very Fine. Medium silver gray color. Surfaces rough in places, smoother where the piece has been handled. An interesting ingot. The ethnic seems to be a logotype but the remainder of the inscriptions seems accomplished by…
Mary Thompson Hunt
Read more: Mary Thompson HuntThe President Rutherford B. Hayes Silver Ingot – The Hayes party The Presidential Procession had started in Wells on the Central Pacific Railroad just after the train crossed into Nevada from Utah, stopped at Humboldt where Nevada Governor Kincaid boarded the train, then on to Reno for another celebration and transfer to the Virginia &…
Belcher Mine
Read more: Belcher Mine2.62 oz Belcher Mine, Comstock Lode, Virginia City, 1876. Face Value: $4.34 This ingot is from the Belcher Mine, an exhibition ingot used at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, in which Nevada played an important role. It is the only such marked ingot surviving today, with the possible exception of uncataloged ingots in institutional collections.Nevada began…
Ophir Mine
Read more: Ophir MineThis ingot pair came from an estate in the Eastern United States, uncovered this year. We had originally planned on separating the pair, but after research, find the two are inseparable, clearly owned and collected by the same person, George F. Ford. The story of Ford involves his work with important mines on the Comstock,…
Leopold Kuh, Assayer
Read more: Leopold Kuh, Assayer1856-1860Leopold Kuh. Resides at Green betw. Kearny and Dupont. Leopold Kuh works at the U.S. Mint. Colville’s San Francisco Directory for the YearCommencing October 1856 Kuh, Leopold. Clerk U.S. Branch Mint. Dwells atNE corner Green and Lafayette. Langley’s San Francisco Directory for the YearCommencing January 1, 1858 Kuh, Leopold & Fisher Henry I. Gold refinery.Taylor…
Harvey Harris, Assayer
Read more: Harvey Harris, AssayerIn October, 1855 the Sacramento Union ran an advertisement announcing the formation of a new assaying firm under the partnership of Harvey Harris, Desiré Marchand, and C. Farrington. Harris, a gentile who had come to America from his native Denmark, had formerly been an assayer in the NewOrleans and San Francisco Mints and before removing…